As the name suggests VASTRO® signifies VASTU ASTRO SCIENCES TRAINING & RESEARCH ORGANISATION, which was registered in the year 1998 under the guidance of Founder & Chairperson Acharya Narinder Vasudeva. It was organised to teach occult sciences based on teachings of our great sages like Rishi Parashara, Jaimini Rishi and Vastu science based on teachings of Vishwakarma Prakash and modern Architecture using 32 Zones for entrance balancing and 16 Zones for placement and activity balancing using bar charts, for the benefit of each and every individual who was keen to learn these sciences. Thousands of students got benefitted through these learnings since then and are now performing well these days. I wish them success in their life.


             VASTRO® can be contacted for Astrology & Vastu Consultations

  • Any small office or shop to any sized home, industry, corporate office, commercial establishment etc. for getting maps amendments online and for new designing for new space as per your requirement using Vastu rules.
  • The fee structure is quite affordable as per the size of the plot or structure well with in the budget.
  • You can get *Complete Vastu consultation as well.


         *Complete Vastu Consultation includes
  • Layout plan Balancing with bar chart analysis
  • Entrance Doors and windows analysis
  • 16 Zonal Balancing
  • Placement Balancing
  • Remedies (If any required within budget @ extra charges as per actual)
  • Activity Balancing

       I feel every person should learn & understand this great science and must try at least on himself and his family to reap benefits out of it for better life.